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Hand That Feeds the Dead

Hand That Feeds the Dead

UPC: 850019903164

Format: DVD

Release Date: Feb 19, 2021

Rating: NR

Regular price $15.95 USD
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Not to be confused with La mano che nutre la morte, which was made by the same director, released the same year, features some of the same footage and much of the same cast, Sergio Garrone's Evil Face stars Klaus Kinski as a professor obsessed with restoring his lover's beauty after she's badly disfigured in a fire. When respected doctor Baron Ivan Rassimov dies in a horrible lab fire, his young daughter Tanja (Katia Christine) narrowly escapes death. With burns over most of her body, including her face, Tanja covers her visage with a vale, a retreats to a life of solitude. A former student of Rassimov, Professor Nijinski (Kinski) takes Tanja as his bride, and begins conducting a series of skin transplants designed to make her beautiful again. But in order to continue his bold experiments, Professor Nijinski requires a series of young, beautiful subjects. When volunteers prove scarce, he resorts to his own unseemly method of collecting fresh skin samples.
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